Technology and design are reshaping the spaces we live in, offering the possibility of a meaningful and valuable experience even in the simplest of situations, such as taking an elevator. This is the approach taken by Schindler, the Swiss group and world leader in vertical mobility, which recently unveiled Schindler Designs, the new elevator interior ranges featuring elegant, contemporary aesthetics, minimalist lines, on-trend colours and high-tech functionality.
The elevator is thus transformed from a mere means of transport and an anonymous space through which people pass, into a place capable of adding value to the surroundings in which it is used and the experience of its users, thanks to greater environmental comfort and new intelligent and interactive functions.
Thanks to the care taken in the choice of materials (high quality laminates, porcelain stoneware, glass and steel), ultra-touch textures and colour combinations, Schindler Designs has radically renewed Schindler's already best-selling elevator models, offering even more elegant features and options in line with current interior design trends.
Interactive and flexible digital functions
Style innovation goes hand in hand with technological innovation to create an immersive experience for the user, where the physical and digital worlds come together to create a space that is not only beautiful and comfortable, but also cutting-edge and engaging. Schindler Designs offers new intelligent interfaces with interactive features and customisable screens, such as the Primea 500 button, which combines sophisticated design with new digital functionality. This transforms the elevator into a means of communication, giving owners, managers and property managers the opportunity to provide useful and interesting information while passengers are in the cabin.
Primea 500 can also be connected to the Schindler ElevateMe app, which allows users to control, interact and customise the elevator ride with their smartphone. With ElevateMe, you can call the lift via Bluetooth, adjust the door opening time, personalise your journey allowing you to get to your destination without interruption, or reserve access to a floor.
“Schindler wants to offer passengers a new perception of elevator travel, which is why Schindler Designs was created. Whether in hotels, apartment blocks, offices or public buildings, the elevator is often seen as an 'accessory', detached from the rest of the architectural design and reduced to the simple function of transporting people and goods from one floor to another. Schindler Designs was created with the aim of developing and fully integrating
the elevator into the architecture of our cities, not only because of the essential contribution they make to the accessibility of spaces, but also by transforming them into beautiful, pleasant places to be, and by making them incredibly comfortable thanks to new technologies. Finally, a design led and innovative elevator contributes to increasing the perceived value of a property: It is usually the first environment we encounter, a true "business card" of the building and of those who inhabit it," says Elena Pecorale, director of New Systems at Schindler Italia.
Elevators play a crucial role in the building industry. Italian companies are establishing themselves on the international market thanks to their abil ...
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