Sustainability is a key element for any smart city. This is well known by the companies participating in GEE, all committed in various ways to sustainable processes.
But what are the GEE exhibitors doing about this issue? We asked Kleemann, Millepiani and Sicor Italy.
“Kleemann took a comprehensive approach - explains Christina Kotikosta, Group Marketing Manager - Our strategy for corporate responsibility and sustainable development focuses on five pillars: human resources, health and safety, environment, market, and society. Since 2017, we have published annual corporate responsibility reports covering a wide range of topics related to the company's financial, environmental and social footprint. Our CSR reports comply with the guidelines issued by the UN Global Compact Initiative (UNGC CoP), the 2030 SDGs and the GRI Global Sustainability Reporting Standards (fundamental level of agreement: GRI-core). Our sustainability reports are available on our website”.
Millepiani looks at the entire production process and the resources involved in it: "Both our values and governance model must incorporate the principles of sustainability – tells Uel Bertin, General Director - From this first element, one can achieve practical operational activities with a new, energy-efficient car fleet. In addition, we have made the business choice to offer regenerative inverters on our systems without any significant impact on the cost of the system to the end customer, resulting in fuel-efficient products”.
Finally, Sicor Italy has a strong focus on green issues. Massimo Santambrogio, Chief Executive Officer says "Sicor has always been attentive to the environment, designing highly efficient engines and with an almost exclusively Italian supply chain that, even in these difficult times, has always fully respected its commitments. The introduction of the new fully recyclable packaging and the 5-year warranty offered on all our production bear witness to Sicor's ongoing commitment”.
GEE will offer plenty of conferences and meetings on the topic of sustainability to identify good practices on the way to a greener and equitable world and to outline a future for cities that to become smart must be sustainable in all their aspects.